Vernis Dual-Cure / Vernis de Protection

NoriCure® HC-1/002

Texture lacquer NoriCure® HC-1/002 scratch resistant is designed for printing on PC film, coated PET films (e.g. Autotype Autoflex EBG 180, Autotex V200), diverse PVC substrates and after pre-tests for overprinting of printed products.

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NoriCure® HC-1/002 scratch resistant shows

  • excellent scratch and abrasion resistance
  • easy processability (press-ready formulation)
  • unlimited screen open time
  • good adhesion to UV, solvent and water-based screen printing inks as well as offset inks

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ApplicationNoriCure® HC-1/002
Pröll GmbH, Zentrale
+49 9141 906-0
Printing Technique
+49 9141 906-674